Certified company and product quality

The quality of our products is the basis of our success. For this reason we manage the entire production chain, leaving nothing to chance, through careful controls, continuous automated monitoring and an advanced computerised system.

We guarantee the quality of the company and its products through rigorous selection of raw materials, constant checks of the entire production system, and obtaining certifications. Our quality is also evident in the careful service we offer our customers and the reliability of our products.


ISO 9001 certification demonstrates our ability to meet customer expectations comprehensively and consistently.

Our focus on organisational efficiency, in accordance with high international standards, allows us to minimise waste, avoid errors and increase productivity, without compromising on quality.


Our products comply with international standards TÜV AD 2000 Merkblatt W0/TRD100 and PED 97/23/EC.

These certificates regulate the quality, production methods and tests to which metallic materials used in the manufacture of pressurised components are subjected.


Thanks to our state-of-the-art information system, we are able to trace every item sold to each production batch.

Based on the production order number that is indicated on each label, our offices provide certificates of conformity summarising production controls, chemical analysis of raw materials and certification of the testing laboratory.

Our label

Each product is accompanied by a label describing all its technical and quality features, including the production order number, which is the basis of our traceability system.

Etichette dei prodotti Vibo
  1. Reference standards
  2. Resistance class
  3. Dimension + coating
  4. Pieces per box + coating spec.
  5. Heat number
  6. production order
  7. GS1 code
  8. Colour identifying strength class