

The company, in compliance with current legislation, has adopted its own reporting channels through which whistleblowing reports can be sent, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity of the person making the report, of the other people involved and the content of the report.

Whistleblowing reports, which should be as detailed as possible, concern violations of the law that harm the public interest or the integrity of the company, such as the commission of a corrupt act or the violation of workplace or environmental health and safety regulations.

These are not whistleblowing reports and will therefore not be taken into account:

  • Complaints, claims or personal requests relating to one’s employment relationship (to be sent to the relevant Personnel function)

Who can send whistleblowing reports?

Reports may be sent by persons inside or outside the organization, such as employees, collaborators, self-employed workers, trainees, consultants, suppliers, shareholders or people with administrative or control functions in the companies.